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Descriptive monitors dedicated to mammography

Descriptive monitors - mammography - order from Stovaris

Mammography is an X-ray examination that requires the latest technology used in mammography equipment. The latest technology in this device is essential to detect breast cancer in its early, early stages. During the examination, two images are taken of each breast in a woman. Although the pressure caused by the mammogram causes short-term discomfort during the examination, mammography is an extremely effective tool in the fight against breast cancer. The description of the mammogram allows doctors to order further detailed tests and initiate treatment.

Latest technical requirements for mammography monitors

The Ministry of Health Regulation of January 2023 places the highest requirements on the technical parameters of mammography monitors. Various types of mammography monitors are available on the medical industry market. A traditional descriptive (diagnostic) station consists of two monitors with an imaging field of at least 2048×2048 points each, or for a single-monitor station (fused displays) the imaging field must be at least 4096×2048 pixels.

Tenders for mammography monitors - what requirements must be met?

Nonetheless, we would also like to refer to the Ministry of Health Ordinance of 2017, which includes more detailed requirements for the parameters of the displayed image. These are still included in the requirements in many tenders:

Minimum 5MP resolution in mammography monitors

Resolutions of at least 5MP each

Screen diagonals required in mammography monitors

Diagonal screens of a single monitor min. 50 cm

Screen brightness in a mammography monitor

Brightness after calibration to DICOM curve min 500 cd/m2

Contrast required in mammography monitors

Contrast min. 500:1

The high parameters of the monitors that we have cited guarantee the correct display of images with all their discrete details and guarantee excellent image quality. That is why it is so important to choose a mammography camera of the highest quality construction. Keeping in mind the welfare of patients, manufacturers go further, integrating calibrators and additional sensors in mammography monitors, on a regular basis

Diagnostic descriptive monitors at Stovaris

controlling and possibly correcting image parameters. Especially in these cases, there are no compromises and all components are built on the basis of the latest technological advances. All this is done so that specialists can make a flawless and extremely accurate description of the mammography examination.

5MP monochrome monitors still popular in medical diagnostics

Despite the introduction of color monitors that integrate classic dual-monitor systems, both Jusha and Barco have remained committed to producing 5 MP monochrome monitors. The advantage of monochrome monitors from the point of view of performing diagnostics is that the image they display is "clean" (without discoloration or borders) and accurately reproduced. It gives a sense of greater image depth. The grayscale is natural/neutral. This still makes many doctors prefer to work on them.

2 x BARCO Nio 5 MP MDNG-5221

Jusha C1210G – 12 MP

2 x BARCO Nio 5 MP MDNG-5221

Jusha M53 – 5 MP monochrom

BARCO Coronis Unity MDMC-12133 12MP

BARCO Coronis Unity MDMC-12133 12MP

This group of products is based on the companies' solutions:

BARCO | Yusha  

Contact persons:

Marcin Cichecki

Sales Director
tel. +48 222 484 000

Paweł Waszniewski

Product Manager
tel. +48 885 805 609