Hyperconverged solutions - virtualization platforms
Today's information technologies are highly complex. Hyperconverged solutions(HCI) make them easier to manage. The world of modern IT infrastructure is complex and difficult to manage. It is a combination of servers, storage platforms, network switches and backup infrastructure. Today, all the pieces of the IT puzzle live in separate, expensive and difficult-to-manage silos. Rising business demands and shrinking budgets have created challenges that are very familiar to today's IT administrators and business owners.
Hyperconverged HCI solutions vs. challenges of traditional IT infrastructures
Hyperconverged solutions help overcome the challenges of traditional IT infrastructures by combining all the individual components. They combine computers, storage and IT networking into a single server, greatly simplifying the infrastructure. Compared to traditional IT infrastructures, which are often ill-suited, hyperconverged systems leverage the full potential of modern computer hardware and storage in one unified platform. An infrastructure based on hyperconverged solutions delivers a much more cost-effective, complete IT infrastructure that also offers high application performance, space efficiency and rapid resource deployment.
Hyperconverged systems - Simplified management
It consolidates the management process into a single, simple interface so that the system can be easily managed by IT. For IT professionals and business managers, the opposite of the phrase "simple infrastructure" is the term "multiple user interfaces." Traditional infrastructure is built from different components, each with its own infrastructure and vendor-specific interface. This makes it difficult to manage and deploy new IT resources. Hyperconverged systems, on the other hand, offer a single management interface and support from only one vendor.
Hyperconverged solutions mean reduced costs and increased efficiency
Lower purchase price, easy implementation, cost-effective scaling, simple upgrades and lower operating costs. Hyperconverged solutions allow you to purchase your entire IT infrastructure from a single provider at a lower price, as opposed to buying in expensive separate parts, from different entities. Instead of running, managing, maintaining and paying for an entire rack full of servers and switches, hyperconverged solutions require far less manpower and resources to manage and operate.
Hyperconverged systems offer faster deployment and recovery
Traditional infrastructure requires that each part be configured and deployed separately. Similarly, for recovery, each part of the infrastructure must be recovered independently. This makes 10-hour downtime common. Hyperconverged systems benefit from built-in vm-centric backups, replication and in some cases DR units. This makes repair times for hyperconverged systems much shorter than for traditional infrastructure. It enables rapid deployment and recovery of all IT infrastructure assets, including business applications and data.
No data loss
Hyperconverged systems improve data protection mechanisms and enable rapid automatic disaster recovery, without the risk of downtime and information loss. Data loss is a real threat to traditional IT infrastructure. At the same time, due to human error or interoperability issues, third-party backup software can also cause data loss. Hyperconverged solutions are software-defined. They have built-in data corruption detection and auto-repair technologies. Automatic backup and vm-centric backups and replication technologies are built in from the start. This makes server components and software work together seamlessly.
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Contact Person:
Jakub Bala
Product Manager
tel. +48 609 807 177
Szymon Domański
Product & Marketing Manager
tel. +48 885 804 064